Photography Artist Reflection- (Composition Assignment; 2-28-20)

Photography Artist Reflection 

The objective of this assignment was to meet the 7 listed criteria  while photographing different subjects. These included simplicity, good lighting and focus, rule of thirds, emphasize foreground, emphasize height and distance, leading lines, and multiple subjects. To meet these objectives, I made sure to take my photos with purpose and a goal in mind. The goal was to try and meet most of the 7 criteria listed. For example, in each picture I took, I tried to have focus and good lighting, simplicity, and use the rule of thirds in each. By doing so, I was able to capture some really nice pictures that were aesthetically pleasing. My strongest image, I think, was the feather that was used to exemplify the criteria of good lighting and focus. It uses the rule of thirds, is simple, and has very good focus and lighting. This is in contrast to my weaker images,which were the 2 landscapes one. The difference between the 2 is that the landscapes have bad lighting, and the frame is not very simple. The focus isn’t that good, and overall the picture isn’t very aesthetically pleasing. 3 ways I can improve this weak image is to make better space of the frame, try to get better lighting, and try to focus the camera lens more. I can ask myself before shooting, “Why am I shooting this?” and especially “How am I going to shoot this?” I would evaluate my effort on this assignment based on how good the picture looks, but also by evaluating what my goal of the picture was. For example, if it was evident that I tried to capture the rule of thirds but maybe the outcome of that wasn't very strong, I think that the evaluation should be more positive than negative because it was evident that I was trying. If I did the assignment again, I would try to improve the landscape pictures and focus more on getting good lighting and focus, and making sure the frame is filled and not distracting. Additionally, I would maybe try to take more pictures, and pictures of different things, instead of just a few things.


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